Maple Syrup Health Benefits


Maple Syrup and Your Pancreas

This is for informational purposes only. None of these statements have been verified by the FDA.

Of all the sugars, Maple Syrup is the only one that the pancreas can handle easily and totally digest and eliminate. With all the other sugars, the pancreas has to work and work to eliminate from the body. Some sugars, like corn syrup, are extremely difficult for the pancreas to eliminate, and will stay in the body for a long time. And sometimes the pancreas just wears out. Ever wonder why you feel tired? draggy? sluggish? Headaches?  Could be that your pancreas just can’t get rid of all those wrong kinds of sugar. Try using Maple Syrup instead of sugar wherever possible, and give your body a rest! Some diabetics are able to use Maple Syrup because it is a natural form of sugar, easy to digest.

In most grocery stores, there are hundreds of items that contain corn syrup because that is the cheapest form of sweetener; but it is also the most damaging to your health. However, our Maple trees are not sprayed or fertilized, and we do not use any chemicals in processing or preserving it, so Drudge’s Pure Maple Syrup is possibly the only food on your table that has escaped additives!

Maple Syrup, Baking Soda and help for Cancer

Someone sent us a very interesting article from a web site called “Bicarbonite Maple Cancer Treatment.” It is from the 850 page e-book “Winning The War On Cancer”  Look up this article here.  The article explains how combining ¾ cup of Maple Syrup with ¼ cup of baking soda can be very helpful. Take 1 teaspoon every day as preventative.

Maple Syrup and Lemon Juice; A Healthy, Nourishing Drink

Start your morning with this nourishing drink. It’s better for you than coffee!

Combine 2 tbsp. Fresh lemon juice (approx. ½ lemon) with 2 tbsp. Pure Maple Syrup and a shake or two of cayenne pepper (or  to taste) in a glass of water.

Maple Syrup has a large variety of minerals and vitamins.

These are the minerals found in Maple Syrup;

Sodium; Potassium;  Calcium;  Magnesium;  Manganese;  Iron;  Copper;  Phosphorus;  Sulphur;  Chlorine and Silicon.

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, Nicotinic acid,  and Pantothenic acid.

Lemons are a rich source of minerals and vitamins, and when combined with Maple Syrup, creates these desired results;

Its 49% potassium strengthens and energizes the heart, and stimulates and builds the kidneys, and adrenal glands.

Its oxygen builds vitality.

Its carbon acts as a motor stimulant.

Its hydrogen activates the sensory nervous system.

Its calcium strengthens and builds the lungs.

Its phosphorus knits the bones, stimulates and builds the brain for clearer thinking.

Its solium encourages tissue building.

Its magnesium acts as a blood alkalizer.

Its iron builds the red corpuscles to rapidly correct the most common forms of anemia.

Its chlorine cleanses the blood plasma.

Its silicon aids the thyroid for deeper breathing.


The lemon is a loosening and cleansing agent with many important building factors. The natural iron, copper, calcium, carbon and hydrogen found in Maple Syrup supplies more building and cleansing material.

Maple Syrup and Lemon Juice is truly a perfect combination for energy, cleansing, healing, building and eliminating.


A combination of more than two dozen antioxidants have been found in Maple Syrup. The compounds have antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic properties. The phytonutrients include types of lignans, also found in flax seeds;  stilbenes, which are in the same chemical class as resveratrol;  and flavonoids, known for their anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antioxidant properties.  Phenolic acids, found also in colourful berries, are also found in Maple Syrup